Dear Tantralovers 😊,

Have you ever noticed what a mental noise is in our heads … ??
During the day and even at night when we can not sleep .. ??
The vast majority of our thoughts keep repeating, they circle in our heads. We do not think, but thinking happens to us. And worst of all, most thoughts are unnecessary – not about something that’s happening right now, but about some situations from our past or future. We are apparently doomed to live with a noise-producing machine in our heads …

When we work and are creative, thinking is justified and useful, but not when it comes to problems that are mostly not up-to-date any more, but are generated by thinking …
How many times have I caught myself lying in bed, warm and cozy, worrying about something that is unlikely ever to arrive?

But I do not want to be trapped in mental noise any more and I do not want to identify myself anymore through my thinking, according to Decart: ” I think, therefore I am. ”


Because I can never be satisfied and happy with my conditioned thinking, with my projections, patterns, expectations. Because I do not want to have a “image” of myself, but just want to BE …

Me and my problems, me and my story … my problematic self …
What is left of us when we give up our self-image … ??
Maybe our divine nature ..?

I do not want to equate thinking with BEING, because it frustrates me.
Does our nature really consist of (problematic) thinking content? Or is there another dimension of consciousness .. ??

A few weeks ago, I looked into the eyes of my neighbor’s one-year-old child … it can not speak yet, but is already aware of its environment. His conceptual thinking has not started yet, it has not accumulated any words in his mind ….
What did I see .. ?? A being full of purity, innocence, liveliness and light, a being that does neither judge nor interprets … pure consciousness that has not yet taken shape … and then I have recognized again: the truth of who I am, the essence of my being, I can only find beyond conditioned thinking, in the state of pure consciousness …


More about this in my seminar in November 2018 in Vienna …

Divine Touch – The Language of Love