Ladies 😊,
our society claims to be sexually liberated, but most of the time, as far as sex and relationships are concerned, we are catapulted completely unaware, uncertain, unskillfully and fearfully into life …

Porn films are the only thing where many young people are orienting themselves, when it comes to lovemaking, but unfortunately they are far too technical and unimaginative and above all ignore one basic aspect of our being-human: that our body also has a soul that needs to be touched…

Take me, for example … At the age of 18 I saw with great amazement the first naked man – at the nudist – beach in Rovinj … !!
At 21, I lost my innocence, but not my ignorance of how to give ecstatic bliss to my lover …
Only as I was in full bloom as a woman, I was able to discover the millennia-old secrets of Tantric love – art and thus gain the ability to touch the man of my heart fearlessly, empatheticly, pleasurablly and full of appreciation for his masculine otherness – even in his most intimate aereas…
I had excellent tantric teachers, and at last I could give my beloved one with gratitude the happiness, the bliss, and the fulfillment that I was allowed to experience from men all the years before in my love-relationships despite my cluelessness in erotic things.

What can I tell you…
I began to really feel like a woman, able to be an equal companion to a precious man and to live with him new forms of communication and intimacy, pleasure and connection, and last but not least the magic of a passionate and fulfilling love-life …
And these blissful secrets I am looking forward to share with you during an entire afternoon in an exclusive women’s circle in my seminar:
Divine Touch – Sexual Magic
while the gentelmen are joining my guest-teacher, Pierre Darroux from France, in a men’s circle to get fascinating insights into the Tantric Way of Love… 💜