Dear Friends,
are you on the search of your real self … ??
Would you like to “arrive” someday somewhere ??
Where are you looking, to find your self…??
In the future…??
In your job .. ??
In your doing … ??
In expensive cars, changing partnerships, a great villa, traveling,
parties, events … and so on … and so on…??
Do you expect the future to be better than the present … ??

Can we really expect anything from a future, that we are heading for with all
our conditioning, projections, beliefs, dogmas, judgments etc, from our past … ??
Are we perhaps looking in the wrong place for ourselves and for our realization … ??
Are we never going to find that and are always more or less dissatisfied, no matter what happens … ??

We can only find our true essence and the fullness of life in the HERE AND NOW, LIVING FULLY AWARE OF EVERY moment. We do not need to expect anything and we do not need time or effort for that … we just need to BE, to BE CONSCIOUS, to engage in the right moment without resistance … and to enter into a MENTAL SILENCE …

When we realize, that we are part of the infinite CONSCIOUSNESS, we also realize, that our actions touch our BEING only marginally. And then our actions suddenly become more relaxed, a game with innumerable forms, in which the highest consciousness-GOD -expresses itself … Only then constant stress and pressure can drop away from us, because we no longer need to DO anything to be happy… we  already ARE happy. And our living conditions will miraculously reflect our inner state.

Do you know people, who are very successful and have all the status symbols  and yet are unhappy and have to take tranquilizers .. ??
I know many, not to say, I was one of them …

But: I no longer search, I have found myself … in the HERE AND NOW,  in this moment, which is the only reality… everything else is just the delusion  of our ego, of our thinking, which is so small in relation to the Divine Consciousness…. we can compare it with a candle and  the sun.

I do not want to be reduced to my mind anymore, waiting for something that will make me happier, smarter, more perfect than I AM NOW.

One of the great (Tantric) wisdoms: everything, we seek so longingly, is already there, we just need to be aware of it …
And a new life full of wonders, surprises, joy, peace and freedom will open before us …

Have a wonderful day of BEING alive… 😊!!
Sincerely your’s


Divine Touch – The Language of Love