Perhaps the following words may sound banal to you, but I keep finding myself forgetting such simple and fundamental truths in the rush of everyday life …
It is good to remember them in a quiet hour …

At the end of our lives, the only thing that ever had meaning will be the love we gave and received as a gift.
On our journey into the other world we will only take love with us and the only thing we leave behind in this world will be the love that we offered… nothing else …
Love is the greatest gift … it gives meaning to our life … it makes life worth living …

If we want to be loved, we have to love …. ourselves, others and life …
We will not find love in others until we find it in ourselves …
It is not relationships that bring us love, BUT WE BRING LOVE INTO OUR RELATIONSHIPS….
When we are full of love, affectionate relationships arise …

To truly love another, we need to understand, know and respect each other…
And be sincerely interested in our partner’s welfare.

In love we can only see the most important things with our heart …

Many people don’t dare to love because they fear the pain that separation and loss brings.
That means, we do not approach people because we fear rejection, we do not talk about our feelings because we have fear of making a fool of ourselves, and we do not relate because we fear the loss …

To get love, we should let go of our fears and take the opportunity that opens up to us …
It takes courage, alertness and awareness …

Without love, it can be very cold and lonely in the world. But with love this world transforms into paradise …