I am asked again and again: “What is Tantra … ??”

Well, I will try to explain my approach and my sensations, after many years of practicing, living and sharing ANCIENT AUTHENTIC TANTRISM …

SHIVA symbolises destruction as well as recreation. How is he doing this…?? By dancing…!! And by sexual union with his beloved SHAKTI.
KALI is cutting heads with her big sword… but she represents also absolute divine love. She is the most powerful expression of SHAKTI, the universal energy.
These are the main gods of CASHMIRI TANTRISM the I am representing – together with ANCIENT EGYPTIAN TANTRISM.

Authentical Tantrism is not for everyone….Our path is the path of the heroes, the brave ones, who dare to challenge their fears and doubts….who dare to be fully alive… uncontrollable…

Tantra is a silent REVOLUTION… A revolution that takes place INSIDE us…
Tantra means first the total destruction of our conditionings, our habits, our dogmas, our believes, our doubts, our intentions, expectations, our shame , automatisms, projections, securities….
Tantra destroyes… our egos, our rolls and life-stories, our masks, our armourings, our labels…. everything we are so used to…. and which can bring so much suffering into our lives…

Tantra means DEATH…!!! And REINCARNATION in the Here and Now … and not in another life…!
We die to be reborn…. reborn into the shining light of DEEP JOY and ABSOLUTE LOVE….!! Jesus exemplified it with his resurrection … Reborn into the Quantum Field, the Field of all possibilities, which the Hermetics call THE ALL… and which is traditionally called GOD….
Tantra let us feel GOD INSIDE … the pure, eternal life, the LOVING SOURCE FROM WHICH EVERYTHING IS CREATED … And suddenly we understand our true ESSENCE: that we are LOVING CONSCIOUSNESS…!!!
This is the real meaning of the basic idea of Cashmiri Shivaism … of the idea that SHIVA IS OPENING WITH HIS TRIDENT OUR HEART TO ABSOLUTE LOVE…

Are you ready…?? Then you are warmly welcome in our Tantric Family, in our KAULA.

In loving connection