„To be the lover of a Dakini means to be the lover of existence itself…”
( Buddha Padmansambhava)

The Sanskrit term DAKINI means “she who traverses the sky” or “she who is dancing in space”…
Dakinis are female beings of mostly mysterious beauty and grace and sometimes wild temperament, who serve as a muse for spiritual practice and transformation.
In a sense, they are sunbeams from the original source of creation and – from the perspective of Tantrism – they are a symbol which represents the fundamentally enlightened nature of our mind, freed from emotional and mental conditioning.
They accompany the evolution of the Adept and are also destined to test the degree of his consciousness and discipline and skill in Tantric practices …
One of the most famous Dakinis was Yeshe Tsogyal, the consort of Buddha Padmansambhava.

During an initiation, the disciple opens to receive the energetic vibrations of his Dakini or Master and through the transmission he immerses into the knowledge or a directly perceived awareness of a fully awakened state, beyond any karma, conditioning and time …
Often, during this revelation, the mystical act of Tantric union between male and female is accomplished.
The solemn oath to protect the secrets and the origin of the revelation also belongs to it ..