There is a sacred stream of light that pervades all creation. It is the energy in everything that exists. We call this light and energy Shakti or the Great Goddess.
At the beginning of time Shakti was one with her divine husband Shiva. They were in constant bliss.
With the advent of the Yugas, the cyclical ages of humanity, Shakti separated from her lover to create the forms of this world. As Shiva’s Creative Power, Shakti is the living force in all beings … With her glow she fills every space and she appears in everything we see.
She is bliss herself and gives us bliss. Shakti is life and gives life to everything. Although she is essentially ONE, she appears in many forms. She is the voice, the light and the power of what we call the Divine. The ancient scriptures – the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, and Tantras – sing her praises
In Shakti -Tantrism the driving force of the world is always feminine and the inaugurated women are the initiators and mediators of the secret knowlege…