Egyptian Tantrism is the most secret of all Tantric paths, its traditions have barely reached the public.
We can find it’s origins in the Isis-Cult, which was widespread in antiquity – not only in Egypt, but throughout the whole Mediterranean Cosmos.

One of the intriguing aspects of this mystical path is the fact, that we women carry an alchemical key in us. During a HOLY UNION, With skilled activation through our beloved one, this key can open the gateway to an unprecedented expansion of consciousness and ecstasy.

We then get access to the female Creation Mysteries and in our lap, a huge magnetic field opens up that can wonderfully nourish and recharge our own energy body as well as the energy body of our beloved one.
Through the joys of love, we can become powerful magnets for everything we desire and influence our own reality.
Through the bliss of love, we can become powerful magnets for everything we desire and influence our own reality.
These breathtaking events can only take place on the ground of genuine appreciation and love. Without them, all practices are just techniques that will not lead to a magical and blissful transformation.

During the SENSUAL HOLIDAYS I will give you an introduction to this secret doctrine that can turn normal sex into a magical and deeply fulfilling love act and transform your whole life …