Yab – Yum comes from Tibetan Tantrism and means “Father -Mother”
It is a meditative position that we can find in Tibet as well as in North-Indian Kashmir and in Taoism of China and Japan and the rest of India.
It symbolizes the essence of Tantrism and is a metaphor for the great union …
I am on the same level with my Shiva …
Between earth and sky …
Heart to Heart…
Sometimes sexually united …
Nevertheless, it is not a sex position, as it is often assumed in the Western World…

Shiva is waiting for me in the lotus position …
Shakti comes to him when she is ready ….
I approach him slowly…
as smooth as a snake I wrap my legs around him …
let me down slowly and consciously on his lap …
And close the circuit with my feet on his sacrum … the head of his serpent …

When I begin to move towards him in my feminine energy, Shiva’s solar plexus and heart can open …
Through my feminine energy, it is easy for him to become aware of his masculine power …
Shiva finds so in his verticality ..
We are breathing together …
Our pelvises are rocking gently…
Our spines straighten up like cobras …
Our hearts open and connect …
We are dancing the eternal dance of Shiva & Shakti …
The non-dualistic aspect of all Tantrism finds its culmination in Yab-Yum …
Man – Woman
Yang – Yin
Sky – Earth
Wisdom- Love …
… connect to a unity, a whole, a totality that our society likes to separate …

We do not create this unity, it is already in us … buried, hidden in our holy temple …
It is the divine presence in and around us …
We finally allow it to express iterself …
The struggle of existence, which has its origin in being separated, stops …
We are returning at home …

Copyright Elisabeth Kastanakis

Foto by Oliver Neunteufel