The authentical CASCHMIRIAN – MASSAGE is not a massage, as we know it, but the most blissfull and transforming partner meditation of the Tantric Tadition of Cashmirian Shivaism of North India.

Like art, it unites all cultures, religions and races and leads us out of duality, contradictions and painful separation, into UNITY – a deep intimacy with ourselves, our partner and the whole Cosmos. So we can come into touch with our own DIVINE WHOLENESS…

The communication through touch is much deeper and more intimate than words can ever be, because we have cosmic bodies that are equipped with all the wisdom of the universe.

To touch and to be touched, is one of the basic needs of every human being. Not being touched starves our soul, our body solidifies and our heart closes. Unfortunately, we live in a society that is dominated by the fear of touching. Just do not get too close, is our motto, but if we do so, it’s often combined with explicit sexual intention.

But touching deeply means to communicate without any intention, mindfully and lovingly, in total presence with the other and to let the partner feel our limitless admiration for what he is.

Touching deeply also means, not only to touch the skin, the body of the other, but also his heart, his soul and the deepest levels of his BEING…