May I present you my wonderful international guest-teachers, all experts in their field:
Abdu-lindo Timy( Ivory coast)
Joshua dos Santos Campos ( Brasil)
& Willy Bergena( Guadeloupe)
Every one of them is a treasure and will make the SENSUAL HOIDAYS a unique experience that can transorm your life in a magical way…
Dancing and Tantra-Yoga are uniting all nations, cultures, races… thats why I was inviting black teachers this time… Willy Bergena is perhaps the first black Tantra-Yoga teacher in Europe.
My participants are coming from USA, Ukraine, Čzech Republik, France, India, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Emirates and other countries to the SENSUAL HOLIDAYS…
I am looking so much forward to welcome you all in Greece very soon…
Gratefully your‘s 🙏♥️
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