… is not a kiss, as we are used to do it, but one of the most healing tantric practices which allows us to enter the realm of unity and divine holiness.
Our partner acts as a gateway to bliss…

It is a deep encounter of two souls, who are experiencing together the infinite and the eternal, and thus gaining access to a dimension of consciesness, were they can get an idea of the immortality that is their original home.
This is the highest, most perfect condition a tantrica can achieve …

If you are a beginner, perhaps you will not be able to reach this blessed state right away in the first seminar. However, you will get a comprehensive insight into what is authentic
Tantrism and how much this ancient spiritual path, which is nowadays more contemporary than ever, can enrich and transform your everyday-life and all your relationships.

The great art is the right breathing, the correct movement of the pelvis, the correct posture and the ability to relax completely, so that energy can flow freely through the chakras of the two humans and become one.

The lips can, but do not have to touch. We can practice it as well as cheek to cheek or forehead to forehead (Ajna Chakra).
Also we will not be naked in this practice, as energy can be felt just as well in clothes.

I am looking forward to introduce you, together with my guest teacher, Pierre Darroux from France, softly and carefully into this tantric queen’s discipline, which will let us experience the sacred union with the cosmos.

Love & (de) light