A Seminar?
A feast of the senses!
Pure joy of life paired with mental stillness, limitless freedom, awakened consciousness, relaxed presence, absolute love…
I would like to thank all participants of TANDAVA & TOUCHING DEEPLY for their trust and openness…
… my charming assistants Irene and Sonja for their attentive and loving support…
Alex Godrath, who made the moments of inner stillness and devotion through his amazing fotos immortal…
… and Fabio Tagliabue,our guest teacher from Italy, who showed us so vividly, sensitivly and masterfully the art of TOUCHING DEEPLY from the perspective of a Shiva…
And because the demand is so big, there will be a continuation on June 24 th. A SPECIAL SEMINAR about the 21 SECRET POINTS which can create – when touched in the right way – uncredible body-delight and wellbeing. Since thousands of years they are only transmitted personally by the Master to his adepts…
We kindly ask you to understand, that we cannot publish fotos of THE YOGA OF TOUCH, because it is a SECRET ancient tradition…