Project Description


In this intensive-seminar we will share with you in a safe & secure space the most delightful and transformative practice of the Tantric Tadition of Cashmirian Shivaism of North India: the AUTHENTICAL CASCHMIRIAN – MASSAGE. And we will reveal secrets that only a few insiders know…

It is not a massage in the common sense, but a blissfull partner-meditation, which leads us out of duality, contradictions and painful separation, into unity and deep INTIMACY with ourselves, our partner and the whole Cosmos. So we can come into touch with our own DIVINE WHOLENESS and contribute to our own and our environement’s EVOLUTION.

It is a special honor and pleasure for me to accompagny you again together with FABIO TAGLIABUE, our guest teacher from Milan, through this endorphin-enhancing weekend. He is a true master of the DIVINE TOUCH who knows the most wonderful techniques for ECSTATIC BODYSOUL-HAPINESS. With his wise serenity and his italian charme he will enrich our seminar significantly.

After the seminar, Fabio and me will stay for a few days longer in Vienna to offer you something very special: THE OPPORTUNITY TO RECEIVE A HEALING CASHMIRIAN MASSAGE FROM US PERSONALLY.
In Vienna it is the first time that we give massages outside of a seminar. We believe that after this intensive weekend our participants will have dived so deeply into the prescious essence of authentic Tantrism, that they will be ready for this SACRED INITIATION
During the seminar we will invite those who are interested to a small interview to give our final approval.


Since we pay attention to parity because of the energy balance, we ask you to participate with a partner or a person you trust. If you do not know such a person, please contact us, we will try to help you…

You are invited to bring for our cosy tea brakes your favorite little snaks, sweets and non-alcoholic drinks. We are setting no limits to your creativity…
On both days we will have the possibility to have lunch together – a great opportunity for exchanging experiences and getting to know each other better …

Please bring also a nice cloth or sheet to cover the mattresses, a thick blanket, a pareo, a power object (medallion, statue etc …), slippers, smell-free massage oil, and a towel and soap – for those who want to take a shower.
Since there are no Zafus and pillows in the seminar room, we recommend that you take your own with you.

Seminar-languages: German & English

We love to touch your soul
Gratefully your’s

Elisabeth & Fabio

Date : 02/12/2017- 03/12/2017
Time : Sa 11:00 – 22:00
Su 10:00 – 18:00

Place : SalsaHouse, Märzstraße 105, Top 50/Hofhaus 1150 WIEN

👉 until Oct 15th …………179€👈
👉 from Oct 16th …………..189€👈
👉 from Nov 15th ………….199€👈

🌹 30€ discount for booking both seminars – THE TANTRIC KISS &
🌹 28€ discount per couple
If you participate in both seminars, you will enjoy an INTENSIVE TRAINING for a loving, fulfilling and ecstatic tantric life and will receive a CERTIFICATE at the end of the second seminar.
Please register for each seminar separately.

DEADLINE: Nov. 25th, 2017

Seminar leader : Elisabeth Kastanakis & Fabio Tagliabue

Of coarse all your data will be kept confidentially.
After sending us the completed form we will send you a confirmation of your registration into your mailbox.
In case you will not receive a confirmation of your registration, please contact us at:

Our last massage seminar in June in Vienna was booked out weeks before, so if you feel that this is something for you, please sign in as soon as possible, so we can reserve a place for you.
We will consider your registrations in the order of their arrival.

We are pleased to answer your questions concerning our seminars on the personal Messenger of Elisabeth Kastanakis and here.