Project Description



The whole nature is dancing and we are dancing with it … A unique opportunity to unwind during the long weekend of August …

Tandava – as teached by Daniel Odier, the master of Shivaist Tantrism from Kashmir according to the Kaula tradition and the Spanda & Pratyabhijñā  lineage – is a freely improvised, very slow and continuous meditative dance, without any voluntary action. It leads us into a deep relaxation that allows our body to tune in a very subtle way like a musical instrument, so that it can vibrate harmoniously with the vibrations of the Cosmos. This process of vibrating with totality is called „Spanda“ and is innate to us, but it cannot be manifested when we are tense and rigid on an emotional, mental or physical level.

Our body is comparable to a sensitive stringed instrument, such as a noble Stradivari. A well tuned violin resonates with the vibrations of its surroundings. Too much tension threatens to tear the strings – which often manifests in our body as pain, pressure and stress, headache and muscle tension. If they are too loose, the strings do not sound, which can be expressed for example as a lack of motivation, weakness, dissatisfaction or depression.