Project Description

Second Viennese Tantra Night


…means creating together a safe space for inspiring encounters, lively sharing and experiencing the precious Tantric Essence

Human beings who are fascinated by the interplay of energies, who desire to dive into the deepest secrets and wisdom of ancient tantric scriptures and want to use this knowledge in their everyday life, are warmly welcome.  And it does not matter if you are an experienced Tantrica or an interested beginner.

We believe that we will not only spend unique evenings together, but also that we can – hand in hand- contribute henceforth to a better life quality and future for us, our children and the whole mankind.

We do not have any profit of this Soft-Tantra-Night – every participant contributes to the room rent and the organization-costs. We are sure that every person – no matter his financial background – should have the opportunity to follow the Tantric Path, which can lead us out of suffering and into deep joy of the heart. That is also the same approach that the great Tantric Masters have taken since ancient times.

For our delicious tantric buffet in a magical ambience, you are invited to bring your favorite snacks, sweets and non alcoholic drinks.  Surprise us with your creativity…!

Soft-Tantra means:

love instead of sex

empathy instead of techniques

humanity instead of greed for profits

 Are YOU in ?