Project Description

The High Art of Tantric Love and Heartopening

Leuther Mühle, Nettetal, Germany

The essence of the ancient, unadulterated Tantric traditions that I represent and teach, and which form the basis of Neo-Tantrism, is the OPENING OF OUR HEART TO ABSOLUTE LOVE …

That is also the Tantric answer to all the challenges of life and currently also to the  crisis in our turbulent time of change.

The old Tantric masters have developed practices that lead us again into a healing love for ourselves, for life, for all creatures on earth and into happy and fulfilling love – relationships. We see this as the basis for the blooming and flourishing of our planet and its inhabitants.

On this extraordinary weekend we will experience the HIGH ART OF TANTRIC LOVE in all its physical, mental and spiritual aspects and immerse ourselves together in the KING DISCIPLINES OF AUTHENTIC CASHMIRY AND EGYPTIAN TANTRISM.

It is not just a seminar, but a return to our source, to our divine core of being, an INITIATION PROCESS OF THE SOUL, a living experience in our loving, ecstatic TANTRIC FAMILY.

Together we become the seed of a LIGHTFUL EVOLUTION OF OUR PLANET and its creatures, which is so urgently needed right now …

After this seminar you have the opportunity to join our TANTRIC FAMILY. I founded this community so that I can support – free of charge – the people who trust in me and attend my seminars in everyday life, answer their questions about their Tantric practice, and let them know about my activities first, so that I can give them the opportunity to get a secure place in my activities and also for a mutual exchange about the authentic, original Tantrism and its application in everyday life with its various challenges …

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