Project Description


With Elisabeth Kastanakis & Anastasia Romanova


… within us and in the whole world.

IIt is time for the Goddess to rise, to awaken again the divine feminine energy, the Shakti, that is necessary to rebalance the thousands of years of patriarchy, with its condemnation and violation of the feminine qualities, the inversion of truth, the betrayal and malice and the massive suppression of our expression of sacrefd sexuality, wisdom, deep knowledge, intuition, magic, healing arts and our birth right to pleasure and freedom .
Women were hold back of their full potential, of the flowering and thriving…

The grief, rage and pain within us is to dissolve by offering all, what no longer serves us, to the altar of fire and burn it and alchemize it and open ourselves to transmission.

The vision is, women standing side-by-side, holding hands saying ENOUGH!!!
We no longer participate in this world how it is.
We finally know who we are, and we know for what we stand for.

Women will gather again in their magic circles, liberatening the cage of the Feminine in ourselves, sharing our grief, deep feelings and sacred anger, celebrating our deep knowing that it’s behind any form and that is where true power lies.

When women will be in their full power again, we will see a paradigm shift on this planet and a rebalancing tof the he masculine and feminine principles.

A divine bomb will explode.
The world needs it
We all need it
You need it,
I need it
We all need each other to give birth to a new story, to move forward, for our healing and the healing of our planet.

The rise of the feminine energy, in its divine way, without agression,does not lower or reduce the majesty of the real masculine principle, but actually bring things into balance again. We are rising, with men, not over them..

The future of the world is a rebalancing of the feminine and masculine principle.
It is the CONNECTION and UNION which is the PORTAL TO GOD.


There is so much blocked energy around our sexuality, so much judgement, guilt and – the worst of all- SHAME!
How much power, how much potential could be in our sexuality when we would free it and live it really in its deepest dimensions??
We women have to reclaim our authority, to empower the part of us that is willing to fully surrender and open to touch GOD through SACRED UNION.
ORGASM and ECSTASY have such a potential to CREATE, not only a baby, but also a new life., a new world.
Through RAPTURE and ECSTASY we are connecting to our life-power and we are reaching the highest frequency that we can access.
The reclamation of our sacred sexuality goes hand in hand with the elevation of our consciousness and awareness We are entering into a fully CREATOR-CONSCIOUSNESS and so we are TOUCHING the DIVINE.
How much bliss and pleasure we allow ourselves to receive in lovemaking is determined by the extent of SELF LOVE and DIGNITY that we allow ourselves…
And: we are receiving so much love as we think that we are worthy. Being conscious of our dignity and worthyness, knowing our royalty, is the path of the true Queen
There is a fundamental difference between men and women :
When we women are allowing to enter a man into our sacred garden, into our energy field, there is a strong receiving of his energy..
A apart of him ( tongue, finger, lingam) is penetrating into our sensitive female chakra body and soul and into our Holy Grail.
This is somewhat different for the man who actively penetrates than for the receiving woman.
So beloved sisters, choose carefully, whom you let enter…😉
In TANTRIC UNION, the woman whose magnetic floor has opened then becomes the initiator and the man lets himself be carried away by the feminine mysteries.
The lovers enter into a sacred space of timelessness, are floating in eternity and their brain waves are changing from Beta inta Alpha and Theta, like in deep meditation.
DMT, the GODS MOLECULE, is produced.
In Sacred Union we merge in ecstasy, something that goes far over our ability to understand with our mind.
ORGASM is the death of our ego. In Orgasm we are containing so much light that we cannot hold it any more, and that leads to an immense explosion.
The gateway to the Divine is opening…

What you will experience:

🌹Tandava – The delicious love dance of Shiva & Shakti in the turquoise Aegean Sea and the dunes

🌹 Archaic women’s dance – the elemental power from the pelvis

🌹 Sacred Strip Tease – The lust for yourself

🌹 Aqua walking

🌹 Stretching into Tantric Love

🌹 Gyrokinesis for snake-like spinal mobility

🌹 Meditative swimming under the sun and moon


Goddess Meditations:
🌹Womb  Meditation

🌹 Gratitude Meditation

🌹Yoni cleansing ritual

Love art and ISIS Sexual Magic:

🌹SEXUAL MAGIC lecture with script

🌹The magical Yoni – love muscle training and self-love ritual

🌹Honoring the Divine Masculine – Hand- and Blowjob

And the absolute highlight:

🌹ISIS – priestesses initiation according to an old custom in the Mediterranean Sea

🌹 Shopping therapy in Thessaloniki

🌹And of course we have plenty of time for tavern visits and in-depth conversations with tantric goddesses 😉

All participants of the Tantric Goddess Retreat receive an INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATE